Alan Schmalz
23.09 - 13.11.21
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation View
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, Panorama, Sentiment, 2021, installation view
Alan Schmalz, filiations ? désagréments, 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper mounted on aluminium, 105 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, ou excédent de plaisir, 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper, mounted on aluminium, 105 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, être (moindre contradiction), 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper mounted on aluminium, 105 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, origine quelconque (fin), 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper, mounted on aluminium, 49,5 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, indiscipline, 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper, mounted on aluminium, 49,5 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, mythes (absence), 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on papermounted on aluminium, 49,5 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, désirs (larmes), 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper mounted on aluminium, 49,5 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, à la faveur d’un bouleversement, 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper mounted on aluminium, 49,5 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, 142 - 147, 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper mounted on aluminium, 24,5 x 70 cm
Alan Schmalz, perversion de l’espèce (humaine), 2021, watercolor, ink, oil and Letraset on paper mounted on aluminium, 49,5 x 70 cm
Photo credit: Flavio Karrer
Courtesy of the artist and Sentiment
With the support of Fondation Oertli Stiftung & Fond cantonal d’art contemporain de Genève, DCS, Geneva