
murwiesenstrasse 45
8057 Zürich

The Poster Show 

alfatih, Scott Benzel, Benedikt Bock, Kea Bolenz, Costanza Candeloro, Loucia Carlier, Kim Coussée, Othmar Farre, Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė, Hugo Hectus, Bernhard Hegglin, Gilles Jacot, Thomas Julier, Ekaterina Konovalova, Arthur Marie, Marie Matusz, Ceylan Öztrük, Mathis Pfäffli, Henrik Potter, Matias Romano Aleman, Emanuel Rossetti, Cassidy Toner, Ilaria Vinci, Max Wuchner

1.3 – 22.3.2025

Photo credit: Philipp Rupp / Julien Gremaud
Courtesy of the artists and Sentiment