
murwiesenstrasse 45
8057 Zürich


Clémence de La Tour du Pin
Manuel Schneider 
Bri Williams
 01.06 – 13.07.2024

︎ exhibition text

Bri Williams
Dunce Cap, 2024
Silicone, flowers, metal, paint
66 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm

Manuel Schneider
Loom Large In The Mind, 2024
Wood, drum sticks, textiles, thread, wire, staples, bells
220 x 220 cm

Manuel Schneider
Loom Large In The Mind (detail), 2024

Wood, drum sticks, textiles, thread, wire, staples, bells
220 x 220 cm

Manuel Schneider
Loom Large In The Mind (detail), 2024

Wood, drum sticks, textiles, thread, wire, staples, bells
220 x 220 cm

Manuel Schneider
Loom Large In The Mind (detail), 2024
Wood, drum sticks, textiles, thread, wire, staples, bells
220 x 220 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin
X-IL 2024
Silk, umbrella rib, wood
8 x 55 cm

Bri Williams
A Million Roses, 2024
Cutting board
45.7 x 61 cm

Bri Williams
A Million Roses, 2024
Cutting board
45.7 x 61 cm

Manuel Schneider
Sunken Ship Within The Eye, 2024
Plate dryer, spray paint, bells, thread, wire fishing line
25 x 40 x 30 cm

Manuel Schneider
Sunken Ship Within The Eye, 2024
Plate dryer, spray paint, bells, thread, wire fishing line
25 x 40 x 30 cm

 Manuel Schneider
Sunken Ship Within The Eye (detail), 2024
Plate dryer, spray paint, bells, thread, wire fishing line
25 x 40 x 30 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin
SPLIT, 2024
Oil paint, wax, pigment, umbrella rib, thumbtack, and ribbon on linen
6 x 176 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin
SPLIT, 2024
Oil paint, wax, pigment, umbrella rib, thumbtack, and ribbon on linen
6 x 176 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin
SPLIT (detail), 2024
Oil paint, wax, pigment, umbrella rib, thumbtack, and ribbon on linen
6 x 176 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin
SPLIT (detail), 2024
Oil paint, wax, pigment, umbrella rib, thumbtack, and ribbon on linen
6 x 176 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin
Untitled, 2024
Oil paint, wax, pigment, umbrella rib,and print on wood
19 x 42 x 10 cm

Clémence de La Tour du Pin, Untitled, 2024
Oil paint, wax, pigment, umbrella rib,and print on wood
19 x 42 x 10 cm

Photo credit: Philipp Rupp / Julien Gremaud
Courtesy of the artists and Sentiment